Gaming it is! CrediMax is hosting an E-Sport event in Bahrain called the iLead Tournament from the 25th of November till the 10th of December. Kee
Read MoreThe right choices! We all love a good ice cream once in a while or maybe more than that, okay we love ice cream and can have it every day! Creamy
Read MoreTake this fun quiz and de-stress from your day! Will we be right or wrong? We think we're going to nail it in the hammer and guess what part of Ba
Read MoreIt’s that time of the week! The weekend is here and so is our weekend guide! We’ve got a list of some exciting events coming up this weekend for y
Read MoreWeekend calling! The weekend is almost here and since we’ve all had a pretty busy week it’s a good time to refresh and unwind. Go out with friends
Read MoreWatercolor Portrait Painting Art is the therapy we all need once in a while, and you don't really need to be a pro at it to try it out, trust us!
Read MoreItalian food is one of the best pleasures of this world! The combo of pasta (and so many kinds of pasta!), sauces, cheeses, and more, all in one d
Read MoreArt is subjective. But every artist needs to be given credit where credit is due. And Bahrain has no shortage of talented artists specializing in var
Read MoreCoffee while you win! Playing board or card games with friends is honestly all we want to unwind during the weekend. Add in a good cup of coffee
Read MoreIt’s that time of the week! The weekend is here and so is our weekend guide! We’ve got a list of some exciting events coming up this weekend for y
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