BahrainThings To Do

Travel Back in Time With a Visit to Fakhro House in Muharraq!

Ready to step back in time? Visit Fakhro House, the former luxury residence of Yousif Abdurrahman Fakhro, a top timber and boat merchant during Bahrain’s pearling boom. This place is like a glimpse into the grand life of Bahrain’s elite pearl merchants, with its stunning design and rich history.

Yousif Abdurrahman Fakhro owned a fleet of up to 50 boats and had a private dock right next to his home. Imagine watching your boats come and go from your living room window or seaside majlis – talk about a room with a view!

Fakhro House isn’t just beautiful; it’s unique for its story of early land reclamation. As Fakhro’s wealth and family grew, he needed more space. The solution? Expanding his property into the sea! This bold move made his home grow along with his success.

Covering 3000 square meters, with half still standing, Fakhro House is a testament to Fakhro’s vision. Nearby in Muharraq’s commercial center, you can find his warehouse (‘amarat), where he stored goods and built dhows.

Today, the eastern half of Fakhro House is still a family residence, keeping its legacy alive. If you’re in Muharraq, make sure to check out this historic gem – it’s a fun and fascinating trip through time!

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