
HM King Hamad Opens 2nd Session of 6th Legislative Term, & Here Are The Key Points From His Speech

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, opened the second session of the sixth Legislative Term of the Shura and Representatives councils on October 8, 2023. In his speech, the King outlined a comprehensive vision for Bahrain’s future, emphasizing unity, progress, and the preservation of the nation’s cultural heritage!

Key points of his speech:

  • Unity and stability: HM King Hamad stressed the significance of unity and stability as pillars of Bahrain’s society, emphasizing the need to protect and build upon the nation’s achievements.
  • Preservation of constitutional institutions: HM King Hamad praised the independence and accomplishments of Bahrain’s constitutional institutions. Highlighting the judiciary and advancements in human rights as crucial elements of Bahrain’s progress.
  • Cooperation between legislative and executive branches: HM King Hamad acknowledged the joint efforts between the legislative and executive branches. And their cooperation in enacting laws and following the Government Plan, ensuring a harmonious functioning of Bahrain’s governance
  • Commitment to regional alliances: Bahrain’s commitment to regional alliances, such as the GCC and the Arab League, was emphasized as a way to foster harmony and cooperation among nations.
  • Support for the Palestinian cause: HM King Hamad mentioned Bahrain’s unwavering support for the Palestinian cause and the pursuit of a two-state solution. Emphasizing the need for peaceful endeavors and de-escalation in the pursuit of justice.
  • Appreciation for national efforts: HM King Hamad expressed his appreciation for the valiant armed forces and their dedication to safeguarding Bahrain. Highlighting the importance of their contributions to the nation’s security and progress.
  • Reviving Bahrain’s cultural identity: HM King Hamad called for the preservation of Bahrain’s historic and cultural identity. Especially the revival of the Isa Al Kabeer Palace as a significant project. The palace will serve as a central hub for cultural restoration efforts.
  • Focus on Muharraq: HM King Hamad expressed hope for the return of people to the neighborhoods in the city of Muharraq. And emphasizing the significance of honoring national glory and restoring the vibrancy of this historically rich area.

HM King Hamad is a positive and visionary leader. He’s all about building a better future for all Bahrainis!

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