
MPs Unite to Push for a Three-Day Weekend in Bahrain

Guess what? Our MPs are making waves with an epic push for a three-day weekend, giving us all the extra chill time we deserve. Yep, you heard it right—Fridays might soon be part of your weekend plans!

Originally, five MPs, led by the trailblazing Dr. Ali Al Nuaimi, proposed a weekend shift to Saturday and Sunday, with Fridays as a half-day work affair. But hold up, the latest update is even better. Thanks to the relentless efforts of another group of five legislators, fronted by Mohammed Al Olaiwi, the weekend is now set to stretch from Friday through Sunday.

However, there was a bit of a hiccup. The second proposal couldn’t get a review due to parliamentary rules. Apparently, the first proposal needed to be withdrawn before any new ideas could get a look-in. But no worries—the MPs have put their differences aside and seem united in giving us all the gift of more downtime.

So, get ready to embrace more leisure, relaxation, and weekend fun. The three-day weekend could soon be a reality, and we’re here for it!

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