
Making Bahrain Greener and Happier: The Big Plan for Our Parks

UN-Habitat Bahrain is on a mission to transform our public parks and promote sustainable, vibrant communities!

In partnership with the Ministry of Municipalities and Agriculture and Budaiya Hub, UN-Habitat Bahrain is conducting a nationwide assessment of public parks, focusing on accessibility, comfort, and green cover. This assessment aims to understand the current status of our parks and boost data and advocacy efforts for future planning.

Key Highlights:

  • Bahrain has a variety of public parks, but less than 15% of households have a park within walking distance (400 meters).
  • Green cover varies significantly, with many parks having less than 30% green cover.
  • Promoting permeable surfaces and sustainable landscaping is essential for enhancing urban resilience and environmental sustainability in Bahrain.

The assessment is being conducted by 30 dedicated volunteers who visited all 154 parks in Bahrain, collecting data on physical facilities, accessibility, ecological aspects, and usage patterns. These volunteers, including young professionals and students, received training to enhance their knowledge of sustainable urban development.

Dr. Fernanda Lonardoni, Head of UN-Habitat Bahrain, emphasized the importance of parks and green public spaces in urban life: “Improved accessibility of parks enhances the environment, physical and mental health, and adds vital recreational and inclusive spaces in the Kingdom. The National Assessment will provide key recommendations to improve accessibility and quality of our public spaces.”

Initial Recommendations:

  • Increase the allocation of land to parks to foster community well-being, social cohesion, and environmental sustainability.
  • Create more vibrant urban communities in Bahrain.

This assessment is part of a broader initiative by UN-Habitat and the Government of Bahrain to improve sustainable urban development, transform urban systems, and enhance public spaces. Full results are expected by the end of the year, including community-involved design solutions.

Stay tuned for updates and join us in making Bahrain’s parks more accessible, sustainable, and enjoyable for everyone!

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