
A Student in Bahrain Gets 6 Months for Stealing Thousands From His Aunts’ Bank Accounts

Bahrain court just upheld a six-month sentence and a fine of 1,000 dinars for a student in his twenties! He was caught exploiting his aunts and transferring money from their accounts.

Here’s the backstory: the defendant’s uncle, who had power of attorney for his sisters, reported that the defendant was in charge of managing the victims’ financial affairs due to their health issues. Back in 2020, he took one of the victims to the bank, had a bank employee come along, and made her sign some papers. Fast forward to February 2023, when the victims tried to withdraw some cash, only to be told that the first victim’s account was empty. The second victim called the defendant, who apologized and begged her not to file a complaint to protect his future.

One witness mentioned that the bank filed a complaint against the defendant. Who initially promised to return the money but didn’t follow through. Later, the defendant claimed that the funds were transferred with the first victim’s consent via the Benefit app. Even though she didn’t have an account on the app and wasn’t tech-savvy enough to use her phone for online transactions.

The second victim, a 61-year-old retiree, testified that in February 2023, she went to the bank with the first victim to withdraw money and was shocked to find out her sister’s account was empty, with all the money transferred to the defendant’s account. When she confronted him, he apologized and promised to return the money but kept stalling. After discovering what happened to the first victim, she checked her own account, which originally had 20,000 dinars, only to find just 4,000 dinars left. The defendant then claimed he would sell his car to repay the money.

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