
Archaeologists Discover 1,300-Year-Old Christian Church in Bahrain

British archaeologists made an epic discovery in Samahij, Bahrain – an ancient Christian church dating back over 1,300 years! This gem, one of the earliest Christian buildings in the Arabian Gulf, hails from the 4th century AD. The excavation team found that this structure was part of the Nestorian Church, a Christian sect big in Asia, marking the first proof of their presence in modern Bahrain. The building was likely a local bishop’s residence before the major shift to Islam about 300 years later.

The site is a time capsule with various rooms, including a kitchen, dining area, and living quarters. They found three plaster crucifixes and some Christian graffiti – super cool! Plus, copper coins from the Sasanian Empire and pottery indicate the community had trade links with India. And researchers also discovered that the residents enjoyed wine and pork. Which were off the menu after Islam became the main religion. Historical records even highlight some drama with local church authorities, like the excommunication of a bishop in 410 AD.

This site, which survived even with a mosque built over it, is now being turned into a museum! Mark your calendars because this museum is set to open to the public in 2025!

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