
HH Sheikh Khalid Appoints Dr. Fares as Head Physician to Bahrain Olympic Committee!

Under the decision of His Highness Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Dr. Fares Zulfiqar Noor Uddin has been appointed as the head of the Medical Committee at the Bahrain Olympic Committee.

The team, including Vice President Issa Ali Isaaqi and members Noor Shaker Al Awadhi, Dr. Fawaz Abdulrahim Al Abbasi, Dr. Rola Atef Mahmoud, Ali Khalil Al Qana’a, Dr. Alan Getgood, and Dr. Mike Stevdring, will handle treatment requests for national team athletes, ensuring they receive the necessary medical care and follow-ups for a speedy recovery.

The committee will also review monthly reports on athlete treatments and oversee rehab programs to get injured players back in action quickly. Meetings can be held virtually or in person, with a rapporteur appointed by the Secretary-General.

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