The best job doesn’t exist…
A mattress review company Sleep Junkie is looking to hire people who have difficulty sleeping to test out sleeping apps, pillows, bedding and eye masks! How did we think the best job doesn’t exist! They want to hire someone to test and review the latest sleeping aids and devices to showcase how beneficial each aid can be with the aim to curate the ultimate sleep guide for troubled sleepers worldwide.

So guys, who’s up for applying for the role? You’ll get paid BD94 per hour to review eight different products, each for a week at a time and deduce whether or not you noticed differences in the quality and quantity of your sleep.
Each review form will take approximately one hour to complete, the company says, and the selected sleeper will be paid a total of BD 750 ($2,000). The only requirement for this role is to be a “bona fide toss-and-turner!”
Last date to apply is 14th of February so to apply click here.
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