Ameer Elsayed Hashem aka @ameerisnotokay is a student at the American College of Dubai who just this week went viral online for a video capturing him interrupting his Humanities class by singing “Fly Me To The Moon” by Frank Sinatra.
The Tik Tok video soon racked up over 1 million views and Ameer became an overnight sensation. The class’s reactions were warm, with everyone listening to his captivating voice including his professor, Dr. Rex Venard Bacarra who usually is serious in his classes but appreciates a dream catcher.
Dr. Bacarra was in the middle of his lecture when Ameer busted out in song.
In a Facebook post addressing the incident and sharing the video, Dr. Bacarra says, “I enjoyed it. With a fantastic, “Amy Winehousey” voice like that, who wouldn’t. I just wished he finished it.”

As for Ameer, he is happy for the support he’s getting online and the media attention. Telling Gulf News, “I was nervous but after singing the first line and seeing Dr Rex not stopping me, I continued to finish the first verse of the song. I got a good round of applause and I uploaded the video clip on TikTok. The next day, the video went viral. It was shared on social media and my original post got almost 1.2 million views,”
We can’t wait what else you have in store for this year Ameer!