
Bahraini Influencer Omar Farooq’s “The Dark Side of Japan” Documentary Premiered at Sync Ithra in Dhahran

The Sync Digital Wellbeing Summit wrapped up with a blast at the King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture, or Ithra, featuring the premiere of the eye-opening documentary “The Dark Side of Japan” on Thursday. Bahraini creative influencer Omar Farooq, who narrated the film, attended with his team and engaged in a lively Q&A session after the screening.

As part of the Sync Spotlight series, the documentary tied together the summit’s themes on technology and wellness. Shot in Japan, it highlights Farooq’s observations of the Japanese people’s intense interactions with their screens, revealing a darker side of loneliness amidst Tokyo’s dazzling lights.

In a fun twist, Omar asked the audience to check under their seats before the film started. And they found envelopes to stash their phones, encouraging a distraction-free viewing experience. Brilliant, right?

“The Dark Side of Japan” takes viewers on a wild journey through Japan, where Farooq chats with locals, expats, and visitors about their tech habits and connection to nature. He talks to families about the school system and adults about their lifestyle preferences.

Post-screening, Farooq and his team, joined by Ithra’s head of performing arts and cinema, Majed Z. Samman, sat Japanese-style on the floor for a discussion. They explored the documentary’s message, questioning whether hyper internet addiction and loss of real-world connection might be our future—or even our present.

The documentary struck a chord with audiences, leaving them to ponder their own digital habits.

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