
Bahraini Traveller Rasha Is Visiting Every Country in the World & Has Just 15 Left to Explore!

Introducing Rasha Yousif, the fearless Bahraini explorer who’s on a mission to visit every country on the globe! After an incredible journey through 161 countries—including all of Europe—Rasha has now completed her travels through the Americas, marking a major milestone in her quest. With just 15 countries left, she’s closer than ever to achieving her dream.

Her journey began with a solo trip to Zanzibar, inspired by the legendary traveler Ibn Battutah. What started as an escape quickly turned into a full-time passion, as Rasha dedicated the last five years to exploring the world. Even the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic couldn’t slow her down.

With 177 countries visited so far, Rasha’s love for discovery knows no borders. While Colombia has captured a special place in her heart, she’s determined to become the first Bahraini to visit every country on the map.

As she continues to break barriers and collect stories from around the globe, Rasha is flying the Bahraini flag high, showcasing the spirit of adventure and perseverance.

Here’s to Rasha, an inspiration to explorers everywhere!

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