
Future Leaders! HH Sh Nasser Honors the 8th Graduating Batch at NVTC

HH Sh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa honored the graduation of the 8th batch from the Nasser Vocational Training Center(NVTC). This milestone event celebrated the achievements of young graduates! Who have completed rigorous training programs to prepare them for the workforce.

Sh Nasser highlighted the importance of youth in the nation’s growth! And he said “Youth are the wealth of this nation and the foundation of its progress in various fields.” His words resonated with the audience, emphasizing the value of investing in the next generation.

The Nasser Center continues to play a pivotal role in equipping young Bahrainis with essential skills for their professional journeys. The event was a testament to the center’s commitment to fostering talent and ensuring that the youth are well-prepared to contribute to the nation’s development.

Congrats to the graduates!

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