Plants can be super beneficial.
Keeping plants around you helps with your mood and is good for your physical and mental health. And it adds ambiance to your environment!
They improve your mood.
Studies show that houseplants are very beneficial for reasons like improving mental health. People who live with nature at home feel much happier than those who don’t, according to researchers in the UK. Just looking at the greenery at home helps with your mood. The scent of plants also uplifts your mood and make you feel more relaxed and happier.
They improve your environment’s air quality.
Another reason is the air quality plants provide. Plants release oxygen into the air and absorb carbon dioxide, making your home’s air quality more beneficial and your body works more efficiently.
They work to boost your immunity.
Plants also help with your immunity boost since they help relieve stress. People who keep plants at home are more likely to fight off illnesses.
They boost your productivity levels.
Plants help boost productivity levels as they relieve stress and help you focus and mentality. They can boost your learning capabilities Remember that plants help to boost productivity levels? Well, they also help to boost your learning capabilities.
They release moisture into the air.
Plants release all moisture that they retain in water which is good because your body absorbs this nutritious moisture from the air and your skin will thank you for combating the dry environment!
If you’re now convinced that you need a couple of plants at home, check out these two spots in Bahrain to get great, healthy plants that are also quite affordable.
Plant Shop Bahrain
Plant Shop is a new online plant shop available in the UAE and Bahrain. It is convenient in that you can browse and purchase your indoor plants and accessories from the comfort of your home at any time. It’s a great new initiative in the region that you can look into for your plant needs. Every plant’s page has a description of its benefits as well as watering instructions, temperature, preferred lighting, etc.
We recommend looking into purchasing:
Peace Lilly (4-45BD)

“Peace lilies are one of the best air-filtering indoor plant. The NASA Clean Air Study found that Spathiphyllum cleans the indoor air of certain environmental contaminants, including benzene, and formaldehyde.” //
Tropic Snow (27BD)

Easy to grow, popular for their large, colorful leaves. Not recommended if you have children or pets as all parts of a dieffenbachia are extremely poisonous.
Bamboo Palm (3BD)

Very low maintenance and provide a lot of ambiance in the living environment.
Bahrain Plants
A fantastic plant shop in Bahrain that is fairly priced and has many species of plants. You can build the garden of your dreams by stocking up on plants from here, build an herb, fruit, and vegetable collection, and fill up your home with many lush greens. Located in Al Shuwaikh Gardens Villa 3, Jannusan