
Welcome Back! HM King Hamad Returns To Bahrain After His Official Visit To Russia

HM King Hamad returned to Bahrain yesterday after an official visit to Russia, invited by President Putin himself. During the visit, King Hamad talked about making the relationship between Bahrain and Russia stronger and discussed regional issues. HM King Hamad also had a meeting with Russia’s religious leaders to build mutual understanding and cooperation.

This visit showed the importance of the strong ties between Bahrain and Russia, highlighting their commitment to working together and having open discussions. King Hamad’s arrival in Bahrain was warmly welcomed by HRH Prince Salman, along with other officials. The visit was a significant step in strengthening the relationship between the two countries, paving the way for continued partnership and growth.

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Update! There Will Be Road Closures Near City Centre From May 26 Till June 5

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A Warm Welcome! HM King Hamad Arrives In Russia For An Official Visit