
This Spot Is Bringing Back The Best Traditional Perfumery Methods

What we all know to be a necessity in every Arab home

This one is for the purists! Traditional perfumery is all about layering fragrances, and it’s safe to say that oldest users of perfumes – the Arabs – know it best!


Welcome to the home of all the mesmerizing scents!! Al Attaari is where you’ll find the OG perfume, Bukhoor and Oud selections. Mixed together by way of traditional perfumery methods, everything at this place is completely handmade.

Perfumery itself tells an old story you faintly remember still, of Friday lunches where you hug your grandpa and he smelled of strong, woody oudh and a leathery amber, and your grandma walking towards you with the scent of bukhoor nestled between every strand of her hair. These are the memories that welcome you back at this spot.

Al Attaari work with one thought in mind; if a scent doesn’t take you down memory lane, it hasn’t been made quite right.

And this is precisely what you experience here

Everything you come across at Al Attaari is delicately crafted by hand – think about the amount of time and effort that goes into this, guys!

Not only do they have the best perfume concoctions in here, but the bottled oils are the purest form of Oud – not to mention the various other rare and aged oil selections they offer.

The first sign that you’re at an Arab home is the wafting scent of Bukhoor in the air, right? This is where it’s at, guys. People usually let Bukhoor seep through their clothes, hair and home, and the concoctions here are key to ensuring a scent actually STICKS – and it helps that Al Attaari actually helps you choose the right mixes for you.

Handmade, artisanal bukhoor, creams, body sprays and soaps – right here in this one spot in Riffa! A lot of these can be used in different ways, too, and the effect of Al Attaari’s products is witnessed through their unraveling scents, proving their purity.

If you’re looking for some real-deal perfumery, this is where you need to go.

Time to loosen our senses and let these classic scents take us back