
Spotlight! Bahraini Cellist Isa Najem’s Music Will Be Featured on Netflix’s “One Piece”

Bahrain’s very own Isa Najem has dropped some seriously exciting news for both music and anime lovers. Get ready to hear his cello, electric cello, and ondes martenot skills in action, as they’re set to groove in the score of the highly anticipated Netflix show, One Piece.

Isa shared that his journey into the world of the cello has a unique twist. He jumped into playing this instrument a bit later than most, right before applying to universities in Boston. And you won’t believe where he started – Isa’s first-ever recorded cello performance was none other than “Bink’s Sake – Brooks’ Theme,” a tune from the iconic anime One Piece. Imagine that, his debut week with the instrument was already jamming to the anime vibes! Isa also shared that One Piece holds a special place in his heart, as it played a major role in his childhood. Think posters of the show’s “wanted posters” adorning his bedroom walls.

Isa’s musical journey for One Piece spanned countries. While he was touring in the USA, he got a call from Sonya Belousova and Giona Ostinelli to record some cello parts. And of course, he couldn’t say no! Armed with a borrowed cello and his portable studio, he started crafting his contribution. A visit to their studio in LA followed, where Isa truly grasped the magnitude of what he’s part of. Back home in Bahrain, he continued to record remotely, introducing the electric cello and ondes martenot to the mix.

Isa is stoked for this incredible experience and can’t wait for everyone to catch the vibe!

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